
Veteran & 军事资源中心

365球赛平台致力于通过我们的退伍军人和军事资源中心(VMRC)帮助您取得成功。.  VMRC提供社交, 教育, 休闲, 指导, advocacy, 领导, 和学术支持服务,旨在确保您的健康, success, 保留, 和毕业.

You’ll find a dedicated office and staff that works exclusively with military and veteran-affiliated students to achieve their goals at the V.M.R.C. 另外, 我们的许多教职员工都是退伍军人, 因此,您可以相信我们知道如何帮助您取得成功.

问题? Please contact the VMRC.

  • 退伍军人服务官员(VSO)每周一上午9点到现场.m. – 4 p.m.
  • 退伍军人融入学术领导(VITAL)项目每月两次
  • 点对点支持
  • 与校内外资源的联系
  • Advocacy


  • 休息室提供茶点、电视和电子游戏
  • 计算机实验室与CAC阅读器
  • Chromebook借阅图书馆
  • 退伍军人俱乐部和独家社交机会
  • 工作研究

现于VMRC发售: Walk-in 辅导时间


  • 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
    • Math & CSIT - Jay Patel
  • 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
    • 写作——艾米丽·荷马


  • 11:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
    • Math & CSIT - Jay Patel
  • 1:00 p.m. – 2:00 p.m.
    • 写作——艾米丽·荷马

此外,辅导是提供给所有学生在 辅导中心,位于大厦2楼 教学大楼. 学生可以顺道拜访或预约.

〇退伍军人危机热线 988、保密聊天地址: VeteransCrisisLine.net or text 838255

Veterans and service members experiencing difficulties in daily life or in distress can reach out to Check-In and trust that an advocate will find a licensed professional who can help.


大学入学清单 联络资料/表格
访问VMRC团队开始注册流程. 参观并了解365球赛平台提供的所有服务,包括奖学金等! 我们期待着在您的教育旅程中与您合作! 退伍军人计划
BLDG #8 - 2楼- 221室
732.255.0400 ext. 2080
完成 365球赛平台应用程序 对入学 联系HUB:
BLDG #9732.255.0482

申请 退伍军人福利 穿过V形.A. (如果利用福利).

  • 退伍军人管理局(VA)教育福利和补偿认证, 向365球赛平台郡学院认证官员进一步查询.
学术谘询, 转入或转出讨论, 一般班级注册, 联系365球赛平台县学院军事联络处进行学术咨询, Deeanne Gatta-Salter. dgattasalter@hghghw.com / 732.255.0400 ext. 2320
如需协助或对这些表格有疑问,请联络VMRC:  veterans@hghghw.com 或拨打732-255-0400分机. 2080 接受以下部门的协助:学术指导, 学生注册服务, 注册及资助



GI Bill®是美国军队的注册商标.S. 退伍军人事务部(VA). 有关退伍军人事务部提供的教育福利的更多信息,请访问美国官方网站.S. 政府网站 http://www.benefits.va.gov / gibill.


365球赛平台县学院支持我们的退伍军人支持我们的部队永远向前绿区标志The Veteran and 军事资源中心 provides 绿区培训 across the campus for faculty, staff, 和学生以及社区组织的定制会议. 绿区训练提供了军事文化的总体概述, structure, and norms that govern those who serve and impact their transition from the military to college and the civilian sector. 在完成, participants will have a better understanding of the unique needs of military-affiliated students and be able to better assist them to identify and connect with appropriate resources.

想了解更多关于如何报名参加这个免费培训的信息,请联系VMRC veterans@hghghw.com.

Awards & 区别

军事友好®学校指定认可学院的承诺, effort, 并成功地为军事社区创造可持续和有意义的利益.


The Military Times’ Best for Vets: Colleges 2023 designation is based on policies related to military and veteran students, 学术成果, military-supportive文化, costs, 财政援助.


All military and veteran affiliated students are welcome to use the services and resources at the center, 包括配偶和家属.

Yes, you can join the Student Veterans Organization and our chapter of the Student Veterans of America 基金会.

365球赛平台还提供了各种各样的其他俱乐部和组织,你可能想加入. Visit the 学生生活 点击此处了解更多信息!

是的,我们提供S的一章.A.L.U.T.E. 军人和退伍军人学生荣誉协会.

要查询退伍军人事务部教育福利,请访问 http://www.va.政府/educational/

  • 快速步骤:滚动到“获得GI法案®和其他教育福利”
  • 点击“如何申请”
  • 向下滚动到:“我如何应用”(绿色按钮)按照步骤操作

VA Ed的联络点. 好处: 1-888-442-4551


The chapter recipient is responsible to retrieve their Certification of Eligibility letter from the VA and/or VA Education Counselors. 这些信息必须提交给财政援助, 获得其福利认证并获得其福利补偿.



附属于军队的学生退学或退课, 他/她可能没有资格获得全额学费援助. 附属于军队的学生将按照以下列出的退款时间表办理 政策# 5144.

删除/撤军日期 退款金额
在第一天上课之前 100%
至及包括人口普查日期 50%
人口普查日期后 0%
60%完成 0%

新泽西州部署和动员政策信息 -365球赛平台郡学院致力于支持被召服现役的学生. 如果你被激活了, 请将您的订单以电子邮件方式发送给学校的认证官员, 资深协调员, 和老兵顾问协助你从365球赛平台过渡到现役.

如果你需要额外的帮助, 退伍军人和军事资源中心是可用的,可以通过电子邮件联系 veterans@hghghw.com

  1. 根据N.J.S.A. 18A:62-4.2, a student at 365球赛平台 who is unable to complete a course because the student is called to partial or full mobilization for State or federal active duty as a member of the National Guard or a Reserve component of the Armed Forces of the United States shall be entitled to the options set forth in this policy with respect to the student’s grade for the course and the availability of refunds.
  2. 完成至少八周课程的学生可以选择:
    1. Receive a letter grade; or
    2. Receive a grade of pass or fail; or
    3. Receive a grade of incomplete; or
    4. 退出课程.
  3. 完成少于八周课程的学生可以选择:
    1. Receive a grade of incomplete; or
    2. 退出课程.
  4. 只有在下列情况下,才会被授予字母等级或及格等级, 在教授这门课的教员看来, 这个学生有
    完成足够的工作, 并且有足够的证据表明学生在满足课程要求方面取得了进步, 为了证明分数的合理性.
  5. 不完整成绩在学生返回365球赛平台后一年内有效.
  6. 选择接受及格或不及格成绩的学生可以, 在返回365球赛平台后一年内, 收到这门课的评分信
    完成课程要求的工作, 在这种情况下,字母成绩应取代及格或不及格成绩作为学生的成绩
  7. A student who chooses to withdraw from a course shall receive a full refund of tuition and fees attributable to that course.
  8. Any refund payable to a student who is a financial aid recipient shall be subject to the applicable State and federal regulations regarding

艾萨克森和罗伊退伍军人医疗保健和福利改善法案 -于2021年1月5日签署成为法律 约翰尼·艾萨克森和大卫·P. Roe, M.D. 《2020年退伍军人医疗保健和福利改善法案.L.116-315) 为改善和/或扩大各种《退伍军人权利法案》计划作出了规定. 这包括条款1005,州内学费要求:

  • 8月1日生效, 2021, provision 1005 removes the requirement for covered individuals to enroll in a course at a public institution of higher learning within three years of being discharged to receive in-state tuition. VA will also make publicly available on the VA website a database explaining any public institution’s requirements for beneficiaries to be charged in-state tuition.


约翰尼·艾萨克森和大卫·P. Roe, M.D. Veterans Health Care and Benefits Improvement Act of 2020 requires 教育 institutions to make certain disclosures to students using federal military and/or VA 教育 benefits. 方法访问个性化数据表 净价计算器 更多的财务信息可以在 NCES大学领航员 site.

The 老兵学院融资计划 is a tool that students and parents can use to make comparisons of costs and aid offers from different institutions. 使用基本格式, 该计划提供有关您可获得的经济援助的信息, 净成本, 以及你应该自付多少钱. This information should be used to help you compare financial aid packages offered by different institutions. The financing plan generates figures that are estimates only and all tuition rates and fees are subject to change. It is intended to help you compare aid offers from different schools based on your “Estimated Net Cost” after grants/scholarships per academic year. 请理解,大学融资计划不是账单.

All Military affiliated and Veteran students are encouraged to view their individual College Financing Plans with the understanding that the costs are being estimated and they may access this information located in their Self-Service account. Please be mindful that if you are viewing your individual financing plan the VA 教育 benefits will only appear if you have turned in all required documents.

The 365球赛平台郡学院 Office of 金融援助 will make information that is reported on the College Financing Plan available to all Military affiliated and Veteran students as direct costs a student will incur. A student’s Cost of Attendance (COA) total will always be much higher than a student’s direct cost to the institution because the COA consists of indirect cost items such as personal allowance, 差旅费用, 书籍及用品. 因此,当学生进行成本比较时,他们只需要比较直接成本. 在你被录用之后, 你是否证明自己是军人或退伍军人, and 365球赛平台郡学院 has received the results of your FAFSA and certified your tuition and fees with the VA, 您将有机会获得个性化的大学融资计划.

如需进一步帮助,请联系学校财务援助办公室的认证官员 732-255-0310 or email kwilson-wylie@hghghw.com

Additional Information regarding 365球赛平台’s Veteran and Military Affiliated Students 学费和杂费 can be reviewed under 政策# 5335.

[AT1] 根据新泽西州法律的要求

学费支付计划365球赛平台郡学院 offers a payment plan that divides the tuition and fee payments into equal installments, 在考虑了助学金和奖学金以及初始存款之后. 查看更多关于一个负担得起的信息 付款计划 today!


电话: 732.255.0400, Ext. 2080
Email: veterans@hghghw.com

8:30 a.m. 到下午4:30.m.


请给退伍军人部发邮件 veterans@hghghw.com 对于所有的计划计划和活动, 校内或校外, 非营利组织的资源, 奖学金和活动.




行政助理. I


学生可以使用我们的网站估算参加365球赛平台的个人费用 净价计算器工具.

